Export of italian weapons Headlines The modification (for the worse) of Law 185/90 on arms exports resumes in the House: civil society action against new favours for armed interests continues Coordinamento Campagne Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo 5 February 2025
Headlines Peace May the ceasefire in Gaza be a historic appointment toward real Peace Coordinamento Campagne Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo 20 January 2025
Export of italian weapons Headlines Italian arms exports: the growth of authorisations continues, while the amendment to Law 185/90 could crumble transparency Coordinamento Campagne Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo 3 April 2024
Headlines Nuclear disarmament With the Resolution passed in the Parliament, Italy has the opportunity to take concrete steps towards nuclear disarmament Coordinamento Campagne Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo 13 July 2023
Headlines Nuclear disarmament Resolution for nuclear disarmament is being debated in the Italian Parliament: a positive step towards the TPNW Coordinamento Campagne Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo 29 June 2023
Export of italian weapons Headlines Europe’s involvement in war crimes in Yemen: stop arms exports and end impunity Coordinamento Campagne Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo 23 March 2023
Headlines Peace caravane to Odesa and Mykolaiv Coordinamento Campagne Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo 21 March 2023
Export of italian weapons Headlines Italy fails victims of war crimes in Yemen despite prove of violation of Arms Trade Treaty Coordinamento Campagne Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo 15 March 2023
Headlines How could peace activists help ending the war in Ukraine? Coordinamento Campagne Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo 7 March 2023
Export of italian weapons Headlines Last chance for justice for victims of Yemen air strike with Italian-made weapons Coordinamento Campagne Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo 29 November 2022