Rete Pace Disarmo to the Italian Government: active neutrality to avert war on Europe’s doorstep

Italy and Europe are being asked to take an active neutrality initiative in order to reduce tension and foster a political agreement, making clear in particular their unwillingness to support military adventures.
As Italians and as Europeans we are witnessing a worrying escalation of tension between Russia, the United States and NATO on the borders of Europe. An escalation in which, at present, none of the contenders is ruling out the possibility of recourse to arms and in respect of which no observer is ruling out the possibility of an armed conflict, including a nuclear one, which could involve Europe itself.
Moreover, this is happening in a climate of exasperated rearmament in which armies seem to be seeking supremacy rather than a strategic balance that would guarantee future peace. Perhaps not since the Cuban missile crisis has the risk of a new global conflict been so palpable. It is a risk we cannot afford, as the Bulletin of Atomic Scientist’s alarming ‘100 seconds to midnight’ Doomsday Clock warned last week. To avert this risk, every country has a duty to act.
First of all, we ask our country, starting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Europe as a whole to take urgent and significant initiatives from a position of active neutrality, in order to obtain an immediate de-escalation of the tension and to start the search for a political agreement negotiated with respect for the security and rights of all the populations involved, clarifying its unwillingness to support military adventures.
To all the countries involved we say: stop. Put down your weapons and your threats and negotiate.